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Javaroka RTF App



O F F I C I A L   A P P L I C A T I O N   F O R


:bulletgreen: I D E N T I T Y :bulletgreen:

:bulletgreen: N A M E
Full Name: Javaroka Haerinn
Nicknames: Jav
Alias(es): Haerinn
:bulletgreen: A G E
Current Age: 1.5 (around 18)
Birthday: November 22nd
:bulletgreen: G E N D E R
Sex: Female
Gender Identity: Female
:bulletgreen: H E R I T A G E
SubBreed: Forn
Breed: Dilute Torbie Calico

:bulletgreen: P E R S O N A L :bulletgreen:

:bulletgreen: P E R S O N A L I T Y
Summary: She's pretty reserved for the most part due to the fact that it takes her awhile to trust others, but glimpses of her more natural personality come out when she's comfortable. She can be a bit of a hard ass (intense) at times as well because she is competitive. 
Personality Traits:

[ Intuitive ]

This is invaluable--it's almost like a backup skill class. To have a natural advantage over an opponent is great--if your weakness isn't blaring. A smart opponent will figure out how to pick apart your advantage. Javaroka knows that she will be out sized, out-matched, out-ran, etc. so she needs to be crafty to defeat foes. Of course, she has natural ability, but she has yet to tap into it. Wanting to be a hunter/warrior, she knows that her quick and creative thinking could literally be on her skill set. Her unique ways to solve problems are invaluable.

[ Determined ]

If there is a will, there might be a way!  Her determination is what makes her a good warrior. The drive to perform better and to improve herself is what keeps her going. The drive to keep personal morals and simply getting to the next town despite the weariness in her feet is the difference between to her being  a mentally weak or strong feline Sometimes, her drive can get in front of her vision, though. She hates becoming closed-minded to things--she misses important observations if she does.

[ Sarcastic ]

Javaroka uses sarcasm as a means to distance herself from other felines, esp. strangers she gets a bad vibe from. If someone is her friend, then she uses it to be playful, and often has dry humor with it. Javaroka doesn't shy from using it if she's grumpy, it'll be her main means of communication--and she might end up shaming the other cat into thinking they did something wrong. In a sense, sarcasm is more of a tool than it is a personality trait.

[ Adventurous/Active ]

Javaroka does not enjoy being still. In the daylight hours, anyway. She prefers to be occupying her self with something, so she doesn't feel like she's wasting days of her life. When the times are dry, and she's set of most of her necessities, she'll go hiking or climbing--Javaroka is kind of an adrenaline junkie. If you're her friend, she'll drag you along on this adventure that you have no idea what's going to happen, and to a degree--neither does she. Sometimes, she'll makes games out of the some of the most random situations because she is also a bit competitive.

[ Generous ]

Though she may come off cold, she is a kind person. Javaroka doesn't mind giving up time in order to better someone else. She doesn't have a lot, either, so the only thing she can give is her time. Most of the time, she likes being in the service of others--It gives her purpose.

[ Reserved ]

She's kind of stoic, quiet, and she keeps her deeper feelings to herself. She has a hard time communicating emotional issues about herself, though she has little trouble talking through hard emotions of her peers. Again, those close  to her will see her open up to them, but other than that, she keeps to herself--even while opening her talents and services up to others.

will probably edit this section later Did it haha
Personality Type: ISFJ
Wanting to be of service to others, Protectors find great satisfaction in assisting the downtrodden, and can deal with disability and neediness in others better than any other type. They are not as outgoing and talkative as the Provider Guardians [ESFJs], and their shyness is often misjudged as stiffness, even coldness, when in truth Protectors are warm-hearted and sympathetic, giving happily of themselves to those in need.

:bulletgreen: M I N D - S E T
+Stargazing--As a cat who wanders, Jav does enjoy seeking out high ground to be closer to the stars and think about her family, recent events, her next hunt, or arisen problems, such as the fall of Gweillan and those cats involved. The stars were a hobby that her hand her sister did when they were little and still together. The escape through the millions of shining lights is less of a hobby than it is rejuvenation for Javaroka. 

+Training--She's determined to excel in hunting. There are poor trees whose lower trunks are scarred by her sword, or the less-threatening small monsters she practices on. She avoids hunting larger animals for a couple reasons--to avoid a high profile, and due to lack of confidence, and to avoid drawing them toward the city borders. 

+Crafting--extreme boredom/idleness causes her to make things, whether it be a small trap, a simple twig sailboat, or a flower wreath. As a wandering soul, she is usually busy on her feet, so she doesn't have the option to sit down and make something. Javaroka likes to be a busy body, always doing something, so when she isn't up moving, she's exercising her mind. Her and her sister used to create things all the time--even create their own play weapons. This, of course, was done outside the watch of their mother. This is one of the many habits she;s carried with her through childhood. 

±Traveling--As her mind wanders, so does her body. Jav finds it hard to be happy in one place. Especially if she's made enemies in different places (they are very few). She does have favorite locations, but she doesn't stay due to the belief that change is good for the mind. This is a positive-negative because other cats don't like/trust lone wanderers all that well. Her habit of movement leads up to her next trait.

-Leaving--Jav tends to leave/walk out without giving notice. She believes that her influence is insignificant and therefore no one needs to care about her or her whereabouts. Like mentioned earlier, she doesn't share her thoughts too well. Since she's alone a lot, she tends to exist in her own mind.

-Mostly Tended Fur--Since she wanders, she does not care enough about her pelt like most cats. Her semi-long fur is thin, so it doesn't matt quite as easily--which is a small advantage. She braids the tuft that runs from her forehead to the middle of her back, but other than that, she infrequently combs it. Cuts fur in places that annoy her.

Fears: Failure, betrayal
, impossible challenges (due to the fear of failure) 

Dreams/Goals: To follow her father's steps as a skilled hunter

Religion: Favira

:bulletgreen: S E X U A L I T Y

Sexual Orientation: Ace

Marital Status: Single

:bulletgreen: E N V I R O N M E N T :bulletgreen:

:bulletgreen: O C C U P A T I O N
Battle Class: Warrior 
Occupation: Drifter; Aspiring to be a hunter

Former Occupations: Drifter/still is kind of a drifter
:bulletgreen: S K I L L - T R E E
Current Level: 1

Equipped Skills:
Endurance(+5): 5

Agility(+5): 5
Tactical Skill:
Healing Arts:
Dark Magic:
:bulletgreen: E Q U I P M E N T
Items in Possession: Torn cloak

Weapons: Warped sword

:bulletgreen: H I S T O R Y :bulletgreen:

:bulletgreen: B L O O D - T I E S
{ Volredon | Male | Forn | Dead } 

{ Faelin | Female | Forn | Dead }
{ Sarahl | Male | Forn | Dead }

{ Brekko | Male | Forn | Dead }
Nieces & Nephews:
Aunts & Uncles:
{ Pelk | Male | Forn | Unknown }

{ Jeuna | Female | Forn | Unknown }
Hoppin' on the Nope! Train
:bulletgreen: E X T E N D E D
Adopted Family:
{ Soruka | Female | Forn/? | Unknown }
Romantic Partner:
:bulletgreen: B A C K S T O R Y

[ Little-Time Life ]
Her family growing up was a great family--her brothers and her sister always playing together, until her brothers started the apprenticeship with their dad, who was a hunter. Their mother had always been supporting and caring, trying her best to help her father keep them all afloat and happy. She worked as a tavern hand sometimes when the festivals were around, but mostly at the trader's market actually selling the kills her father made. She knew a thing or two about the animal hide-and-related-material business. She would always bring the kits to look around the market, and play with the other kits who were there as well. It took Javaroka a long time to figure out that some of these kits weren't as lucky as she was--their parents often begged or borrowed money. Sometimes, Javaroka would bring some of her friends an extra loaf that her mother made. She would always have Javaroka do it, because she didn't want the adults catching on if she were the one to deliver the couple extra loaves herself--there were too many of these felines, and not enough extra money in the Haerinn house. Her life growing up was usually pleasant, the family aspect being just like any other normal family, having it's own issues and concerns, it's own traditions and habits. 

Another time when the kits were to go into town was during the festivals. Javaroka's family always did something on festival days. She remembered how excited she was before the celebrations started--and her family always had traditions, too. Depending on the celebration was depensing on what her family did. Sometimes, her parents would prepare a nice dinner (for their standards), tell stories, travel to another city, exchange gifts, things like that. Some of the stories that her father told were usually of her family history, and it was always a great story, great in wonder as well as great in detail (he often put her siblings to sleep with the amount of detail he added!). She would always be the last one awake, listening to the stories of her great ancestors. He would tell of how hunting ran in their family line, how her grandfathers before were all hunters, and how she was related to one of the greatest hunters in history (according to her father). Javaroka remembered he would tell of the Nights of Soul Reaping, how one of her great grandfathers (she forgets how many "greats" are in the title) survived the war by the skin of his claws. He told how this grandfather's brothers were all killed, as well as some of his sisters, her great grandmothers. Her father always emphasized how detrimental this war was to the survival of the feline race, and how that their very existence would not be if this grandfather had not survived the war. But to set off the seriousness of the topic, she recalled how he would always tell of the war victories and myth-like stories about her grandfather in that war, as well as add on other awe-inspiring hunting stories of her other ancestors. These were always her favorite stories, and she would tell them to her sister later, who was usually well-asleep by then. 

Javaroka missed this family--the one before her sister really got into some trouble around town and proactively trying to get into hunting. Javaroka also tried, but not as much as her sister did--she knew the consequences. Peer pressure also prevented her from doing it as well. 

Other than that, her family was once a happily functioning family, the kind of family that made all the days sunny even it it was raining.

[ Minus One ]
It wasn't long after she left that Javaroka began to miss her sister. She thought it would take a little over a couple week to miss her, but in just a couple days, her presence was like a lingering shadow in the home--it was as if there was a part of her still there, even though she wasn't. Her mother was extremely distraught--the pain in her daily life was told by the way she moved around, and the glassed look over her eyes as if she was never present. Javaroka soon found out she didn't respond like it, either. Her father was gone for too much of the day to really see his feelings, but when he was home, he tried to lighten her mother's mood. It only worked for a few moments. Her brothers weren't touched as much as Javaroka and her mother were---they were out apprenticing with her father, something that her sister had always, always wanted to do. Javaroka, too. The difference between the two was that Javaroka didn't show it as much as her sister did. 

Javaroka's sister left after the big challenge. She had challenged a son of another hunter to a skills contest, only to lose because her mother distracted her in a crucial moment. The teasing and bashing had increased making her tempered sister lash out at those who  mocked her. Their mother had tried to push out the thought of ever becoming a hunter from both her and her sister, but her sister took it worse that Javaroka did. After that challenge, her sister was crushed, and so were her dreams. One night, Javaroka remembered seeing her sister packing up--a slip-up in the packing process made a loud enough noise to wake her late in that night. She tried to reason with her, and eventually began to confiscate things that her sister really wanted to pack, but she somehow ended up getting them back, anyway. The persuasion seemed to be working, because Javaroka knew that she was the only reason that her sister stayed so long--she had been talking of running away for quite some time. Their sisterhood was the most precious thing in her life, as well as her sister's. They knew everything about watch other, all of their secrets, their tendencies, their pet peeves, and even their favorite star. But, Javaroka also knew that her sister had determination once she made up her mind about something, which didn't happen very often. But when she did, it was a big decision that ended up working out for her, which made Javaroka think a little as she was trying to persuade her sister from leaving. It got to the point where her sister was trying to persuade her into running away with her, but Javaoka knew that her family, especially her mother, would be devastated. And they would be devastated if her sister left, too.Despite her numerous reasons, her sister kept on packing. 

Javaroka remembered the last thing she said to her--it was, "Don't get into trouble that can get you killed. No fights, either." This was before the reality of her sister leaving actually sinking into her mind. She remembered her sister looking at her frankly, with a smile, "Javaroka, you know that I'll find some kind of trouble! And plus, you know I'm clever enough to make it on my own with only a little bit." They sat looking at each other, smiling, before Javaroka remembered feeling a tear roll down her cheek. The silent sob became an attempt to whisper a sniffle in the dead of the night, while the sister hugged each other, Javaroka knowing that this may be the last time she'll ever, ever see her again. A couple moments passed before her sister picked up her package and slipped out the window, as silent as the shadow she left. Javaroka's tears fell until the fatigue of being up late conquered her eyes, and she fell asleep. In the morning, she found herself holding her sister's childhood doll close to her chest. She wiped the tear stains away, and made it look like she was asleep when her sister went missing. She ran through the house calling for her, and not finding her, alerted her mother. Both of them were in the kitchen when they found The Note. This made her cry again, her mother as well. That day ended up being one of the saddest days in her entire life. 

Her sister's shadow still remained in the house for a long period of time--her bed still unmade, the cheap blouse she left on it. Pillows still thrown instead of being arranged. Her chair at the dinner table sill sitting, cocked to the side as if she just got out of it. Javaroka made sure that none of these items were moved under her watch; she wanted her mother to know what ruining a dream looked like. And she wanted her to know this for a long, long time.

{ Swim Into Flames}
She, a feline with wispy fur cloaked in the nightly blue, set by the somber light, hunched over as a blade of grass would after rain. Dancing light, warm and smooth, seemed to be the object of her thoughts. The flame was a different breed, it seemed; it's tendrils swam fluidly up at the stars rather than flicker and flash as a fire should. A different kind of wood Javaroka was burning, which gave the fire unique action. No light danced in her edgeless, blank, grey eyes--they saw nothing before them excepting the images of her mind. Vivid memories, unwanted memories. Javaroka watched again and again as her mind flooded with the images of the land rise in an apocalyptic upheaval, with the houses and buildings disappearing below the surface of the horizon like a bucket dropped into a well. The bodies of cats being tossed in the air by the sudden upheaval of rocky land or their pitiful fall into the burning crevices and chasms. Monsters rose from these magnanimous faults, their sole mission to consume and terrify. Their grungy figures slithering among the dust and ashen cloud produced by the thrown land. Images of her family raced through her mind--one by one, the ravenous creatures overwhelmed each member as they all fled, their bodies lost in a ravenous flurry of teeth and claws--
She remembered how quickly they fled their home, those monsters arising. Her mother quickly grabbed her paw to pull her out the back door and into the cover of the forest. Her father and brothers stayed behind to fight, at first, but upon realizing their lack of numbers, fled as well.
She relived the moment in her mind. Her and her father, the last ones alive. He told her to run, suggesting himself to stay behind then meet up later, and she Javaroka listened. He, seeing her flee and hearing the howl of those beasts nearing, drew blood upon his arm then dashed another way. She remembered she saw him flee instead of defend himself, but in no time a gut wrenching, painful scream--

However, the solemn gaze did not bar the warmth from her cheeks, jaw, nose. Dancing flames seemed to reflect light off the slouching body as water on the floor of a pool--beautifully refracted and misty, like the breath of Favira. Despite this, the lone feline took no notice to nothing but the fluid flames.

Javaroka's paws were consumed by a sword, a subdued glint of reflected light shining off the blade. Her paw-tips stroked worn inscriptions and etchings, celtic braids and minuscule lettering. She dreamed of the successful hunts of her father, her entire childhood spent by his side, yearning to acquire his vast knowledge in the skill so that one day, one day--

She looked down and ran her fingertip across the initials inscribed in the base of the blade--"VWH". The flame's warm light had a pinch of presence in those grey eyes, now softer with conscious. "Volredon … Willot… Haerinn…" She breathed a whisper into the nighttime silence. She had snagged the sword right before looters came, and with them always follows those ungodly, hungry creatures, always hunting. She always wanted to get the names of the fallen members of her family etched into the base, alongside the preexisting VWH.
Her stone visage was broken by the raise of a lip, curled into a quiet snarl. Her grip tightened on the sword, her body shivering a little. A tear, a small bead of moisture, rolled down before freeing itself from the fringes of her fur on her cheek.

Javaroka became conscious of the fire. She stared into its swimming tendrils, seeing nothing but her thoughts animated inside the curious flame, her anger flooding through her face as more of those little beady tears came. She wanted to tear into each of those foul creatures to rip out their cold hearts, decimate them to save any other feline this agony she has rolling down her cheeks. If there was a dream, though, it became farther out of reach. Her mother always pushed her to be more of a lady, and away from male-dominant activities like hunting, and participating in heavy-duty occupations or projects. Javaroka stuck by her father's side, soaking up every bit of knowledge because it would be hard to find a hunter that would train a female feline. The females usually stayed at home, and such things were handled by the males. But it was clearer to her now--the desire to hunt had never been greater. Javaroka continued to stare into the fire, the intensity in her eyes outmatching that of the flame, the tears dwindling as her emotion began to consume her. She did not feel her brow furrow, her ears reverse, or her tail swish in agitation. Nothing was felt except for the thoughts in her mind and the warmth from the blaze.
Then suddenly, she made it known to her heart--the vow to be a great hunter. Triumphant warmth now mixed in with the slue of emotions swirling throughout her body. The slight snarl turned into a small smile, determined at that thought. It wasn't truly a smile, more like her cheeks pulling back her lips. Yes--she wanted to be the greatest hunter in Avens Warren. Yes--she would train herself for the most part, then prove herself to a great hunter to further her training. And then, she would be on her way--

Her grip on the sword loosened, seeing that a small bit of blood had drawn to her fingertips. She set it down by the sheath, now laying on the ground since she wasn't wearing it. Javaroka sucked her finger to remove the dripping blood, before holding it next to the fire to dehydrate the wound. Her ears returned to their normal position, her tail came to a rest. Javaroka smiled, a real smile--

This world has something to see yet.

:bulletgreen: E X T R A :bulletgreen:

-Pronunciation: Ja-vah-roh-ka (the first part of her name pronounced like the beverage/flash program, java)
    -Haerinn: Haye-rin (the "hae" pronounced with "aye" as in "aye aye capt'n", just with and "h" in front)
-Her harness should be well-shown in her app. Plus, I didn't reference anything--that's just straight outta my imagination. If I see it's design anywhere else... >B[
-Her mane... ugh. She's supposed to be a semi-longhair cat, but she grew out her scruff and tuft on her head, sort of. There is a ridge of fur along her spine. Her scruff is supposed to be "french" braided, while many pieces of her scruff refuse to stay within the braid. Easier said than drawn, I guess. That's supposed to be the mess down in the far righthand corner |B(
-That feather means nothing
-Of course, the hood on her cloak can be pulled down. That would be stupid if it couldn't. 
-Aren't Forn supposed to be light in color?
Yes, and she's a dilute torbie calico. The non-dilute ones are much, much darker and much more saturated in color. Thanks to KalCity, though, for pointing out that I may have to lighten the eye color!  

:bulletgreen: O O C :bulletgreen:

<:bulletgreen: L I T E R A C Y - L E V E L S
Lvl 1: Is this a question?

Lvl 2: Yep.
Lvl 3: Sure.

Lvl 4: ...Hit me on a good day.
:bulletgreen: R P - M E T H O D S
Skype: Nope.
Notes: No.
Comments: Nope.

Chats: Maybe.

Forum: Yes.

E-Mail: NO.

Google Docs: Sure! Teach me how!
:bulletgreen: A V A I L A B I L I T Y
Time Zone: Central Time
:bulletgreen: R P - S A M P L E
{ Javaroka | WCRPG }
Javaroka woke up to the sound of paw steps on the old roof overhead. She didn't lift her head off of her paws, but her silvery-grey eyes flicked open and began searching around her. Across the old, wooden loft floor, she could see the specks of yellow light seeping in through the cracks and holes in the wood above her head. The paw steps kept resonating. Some of the holes were disappearing, indicating a shadow was moving across the roof. Javaroka peered up to see them disappear and reappear as the shadow moved to a gap in the roof big enough for a raccoon to fit through. Her eyes locked onto it, staring and waiting nervously and expectantly for someone to emerge through it.
:bulletgreen: C R E D I T S
Drawn Application Template © 3lectronicAt Written Application Template © Hollyseven RoadToFolkvangr © The RtF Staff Team, explicitly 3lectronicAt Javaroka © naomi2321


Yay!! I can't wait! I almost wanted to sign up for beta testing, but I didn't know how much time I'd have... I'm procrastinating other homework assignments right now trying to get this sucker done ^^'

My only problem with this--

I RE-DREW Javaroka 4-5 times... even got to the flats before deciding that I hated it. Again.  

I love her, now!! :heart:
 I'm gonna do it again! hahaaaaaaaaa....

I'm also having trouble deciding whether or not she'd be in the Warrior Class, or the Assassin Class--I feel like the hunter option should be under the assassin class, since it's basically the same thing except with creatures, but the mercenary should be under the warrior class... I can't decipher which goes where. For future reference.

#1--Changed starting class and eye color :) 
#2--I didn't understand the "personality type" part until I went and glanced around at other people's applications. I got excited, because I know I'm an ISTP (Crafter), and I've known that for years. I took a test under Jav's personality, and ironically, I got the "part 2" to my personality--the Protector (ISFJ). I took the test on different days, and I end up with the Protector or the Crafter, depending on how I'm feeling. Kinda cool, eh? (EDIT: Update, I waver b/w ISFJ or INFJ)

--Removed harness. However I will have that sucker later on! I like that design so Im'ma keep it. 
--Took off earrings. I'll get those back later as well. Just you wait! haha

--and finally, the main file :D 

--changed main model and colors

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RP Tracker
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RP Gallery
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4000x2281px 6.92 MB
© 2014 - 2024 naomi2321
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Foxkino's avatar
Would you like to rp with Jamir? ^^